Van Nuys Neighborhood Overview
Van Nuys is a neighborhood in the central San Fernando Valley region of Los Angeles, California. It is the most populous neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley and has the highest crime rate compared to its surrounding regions. This neighborhood has a commercial street called Van Nuys Boulevard. Two target stores and two Asian supermarkets are also located in this community. In year 2020, the average house sale price in this neighborhood is about $695,000, increases 31.3% since last year. 76% of the population in this community rent houses, 24% own houses. Niche website evaluate this neighborhood an overall grade as C+.

Residential Street in this area
Van Nuys Location Map

Commercial Street in this area
Partnership Analysis
Schools and Education Institutions: There are about 14 schools in Van Nuys neighborhood. With a large proportion of elementary schools, several middle school and one high school. There’s also a recreation center named Van Nuys Recreation center that provides after school activities and training.

Schools in Van Nuys Neighborhood
View of schools

View of schools
Local churches: In Van Nuys neighborhood, churches gather along the Van Nuys street. These churches are of different religion and language, which benefit local residents for making choices.

Churchs in Van Nuys Neighborhood
View of churches
View of churches
Security Company: APS Security Systems is a company that provides securing homes and business in southern California services since 2010. It is an emerging and growing company, with high evaluation score on Yelp. For the residential security, APS provides security systems that help protect residents’ assets from theft, vandalism and can deter potential thieves. It also provides surveillance system that allow residents to view, record and playback video seamlessly.
Click here: https://apssecurityinc.com/ to navigate to the website.
Grants: (1) California Community Foundation is a vibrant and enduring resource committed to fulfilling the promise of Los Angeles County. This foundation works with donors and nonprofit organizations on creating systemic change in major issues to improve the lives of residents in LA. (2) Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation is a foundation that support Los Angeles-based good works since 1949. Some specific areas this foundation focuses are education, medicine, religion and aid to those in need. (3) Crail-Johnson Foundation is to promote the well-being of Children in need, through the effective application of human and financial resources.
Click on graphs to navigate to the corresponding websites.
Data Analysis and Visualization
To gain a full-scale understanding of the Van Nuys neighborhood and draw up plans for turnaround, areas including demographic information, cost of crimes and cost of children are selected for data analysis and visualization.
Demographic Information
In Van Nuys neighborhood, more than half of the population are Hispanic, with second largest race is White and followed by Asian. Interestingly, 6.9% of this neighborhood's residents have Armenian ancestry, has more Armenian ancestry people living in it than nearly any neighborhood in the US.
The neighbors in the Van Nuys neighborhood in Los Angeles are lower-middle income, making it a below average income neighborhood. NeighborhoodScout's research shows that this neighborhood has an income lower than 84.2% of U.S. neighborhoods. With 47.5% of the children here below the federal poverty line, this neighborhood has a higher rate of childhood poverty than 91.3% of U.S. neighborhoods.
Compared to Los Angeles average, Van Nuys neighborhood has a younger age structure. The proportion of children and adults from 25-44 are larger than the average value, with seniors‘ proportion lower than average.

Cost of Crime
In the year 2019, crime rate in Van Nuys neighborhood is 2.825%, details of crime categories and numbers are as followed: Murder (5), Rape (13), Robbery (117), Aggravated assault (192), Burglary (277), Larceny (212), Motor vehicle theft (258), Total crime numbers (1074). And the total cost of crime is about $77.12 billion.
For both violent crime and property crime, crime rates in Van Nuys neighborhood, Los Angeles and California are above the National average. Van Nuys neighborhood also has a higher violent crime rate than California, but less than LA. Comparing cost of crime by year, from 2014-2016, cost of crime has an upward trend for increment. Since 2018, cost went down dramatically. Between property and violent crimes, violent crimes still occupies a large proportion in the total cost. BTFV and Personal/Other Theft are the most frequent crime categories that happened in this community since 2015, as homicide be the less.

Cost of Children
In Van Nuys neighborhood, 25.3% of the residents are children, larger than Los Angeles, California and National average. Among these children, 22% of them are below the federal poverty line. Compared to national value 21%, higher proportion of children are suffering from poverty in this neighborhood. Comparing child poverty rate by years, different areas all gone through a process of rising to maximum and then decline. In these areas, LA has the largest child poverty rate, but Van Nuys neighborhood is still larger than that.
Evidence proves that child poverty rate appears to have a positive relationship with crime rate. To reduce crime rate, efforts to reduce poverty rate should be made. Study "Poverty and Education: Finding the way forward" shows the annual cost for child poverty is about $3.7 million per children per year. The annual cost of children in Van Nuys neighborhood is much higher than other neighborhoods nearby, over 3 times larger than Lake Baibo neighborhood. To reduce this high financial cost, plans and actions should be made to help Van Nuys achieve its turnaround.